Previous Episode: 0492 – 15 - Pausing

2022.05.08 – 0493 – Sounding Like An Expert

Be conscious of how you sound when you explain something to a friend and try and capture that feeling, mood, zone and so on to sound conversational on air.

Here’s an example[1] Read the following aloud as if you are reading it to someone:

“The future behaviour of America as the current lone superpower is terribly important to China not only because America can disrupt China's vision of a harmonising world by doing its own thing in the Middle East and elsewhere, but also because a recession in the American economy (caused by debt, deficits etc) would immediately have a knock-on effect on the Chinese economy.”


Now read it as it is written below but

·        Pause for a breath at ‘…’

·        Intonate a word when it’s in bold

·        Speak more quickly where words-are-run-together

·        Slow down where a phrase has underlining


"The future behaviour of *America* as the *current lone superpower* is … *terribly important to China* … not only because America can disrupt China's vision of a … harmonising world by … doing pretty-much its own thing in the-Middle-East-and-elsewhere … but also because a recession in the *American* economy would of course immediately have a knock-on effect on the *Chinese* economy.”


Just by pausing and emphasising certain words and changing the pace you now sound as if you’re thinking about what you’re saying; as if you’re drawing on your vast general knowledge of China’s macroeconomic policies. You’ve also been bit sneaky and thrown in a word or two: “pretty-much” and “of course”, suggesting you’re familiar with the economic relationship between the US and China.

[1] From

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