2022.04.21 – 0476 - 7 – Imagine Where That Audience Is Listening / What They Are Doing


7 – Imagine Where That Audience Is Listening / What They Are Doing

So now you know the kind of person the story or the script is aimed at, and why they should be interested. In a moment we’ll consider the desired response of that audience, but first let’s spend a short time thinking of where that audience is when they are listening to you – because that too will help ‘direct’ your voice appropriately.


For instance, won’t you naturally change your voice if you are talking on a video that will be to a room full of people – or to one person listening on headphones? Won’t your style change if you are a presenter on a Saturday night radio show , or a late-night bedtime show? Or if your commercial is for an instore supermarket read, or one that’s on a podcast? It may be similar content – or the same content – but thinking what the listener will be doing as they hear you will help you create the best, most engaging voice for the message. It will help style it, and focus on the listener if you imagine them in a car with kids on the way to work, hearing the announcement on an airport Tannoy as they wait for their flight to be announced, or taking a shower before bedtime. Oh, err, ….


It’s a small and perhaps subtle change, but even if makes an incremental difference to your style, then it’s one that will benefit your connection with the listener.

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