This week on the podcast, we have an interview with SolarWinds Head Geek Leon Adato, recorded on-premises from our lovely Hudson, Ohio offices. We discussed how Leon went from Theater major to working in tech education, what exactly a head geek does, and finishes with some great career advice. This episodes is sponsored by SolarWinds.

© Gestalt IT, LLC for Gestalt IT: Leon Adato – IT Origins

This is post 33 of 41 in the series “IT Origins”

IT Origins is an interview series looking at how IT professionals got their start working in their field and how it’s changed since then.

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Phil Gervasi – IT Origins
Nicholas Russo – IT Origins
James Green – IT Origins
Russ White – IT Origins
Chin-Fah Heoh – IT Origins
Eyvonne Sharp – IT Origins
Howard Marks – IT Origins
Tom Hollingsworth – IT Origins
Allison Sheridan – IT Origins
Gina Minks – IT Origins
Enrico Signoretti – IT Origins
Rebecca Fitzhugh – IT Origins
Matt Leib – IT Origins
Jack Daniel – IT Origins
Tom Lyon – IT Origins
Nick Bowie – IT Origins
Dong Ngo – IT Origins
Jordan Martin – IT Origins
Zachary Smith – IT Origins
Chandra Ambadipudi – IT Origins
Karen Lopez – IT Origins
Sonia Cuff – IT Origins
Trends – IT Origins Survey
Dan Frith – IT Origins
Thom Greene – IT Origins
David Bermingham – IT Origins
Patric Palm – IT Origins
Jon Hildebrand – IT Origins
Ted Dunning – IT Origins
Theresa Miller – IT Origins
Oksana Sokolovsky – IT Origins
John Welsh – IT Origins
Leon Adato – IT Origins
Alastair Cooke – IT Origins
Michelle Laverick – IT Origins
Nick Janetakis – IT Origins
Tomer Shiran – IT Origins
Phoummala Schmitt – IT Origins
Tom Hollingsworth – IT Origins
Becky Elliott – IT Origins
Stephane Charbonneau – IT Origins

This podcast is sponsored by SolarWinds. Be sure to check out their new Tech Publication, Orange Matter, to learn more about the other SolarWinds Head Geeks.

Leon Adato is a Head Geek at SolarWinds. 

This week on the podcast, we have an interview with SolarWinds Head Geek Leon Adato, recorded on-premises from our lovely Hudson, Ohio offices. We discussed how Leon went from Theater major to working in tech education, what exactly a head geek does, and finishes with some great career advice.

A full transcript of the interview is available here.

Table of Contents

0-0:40: Host intro

0:40 – 10:10: IT Origins Story

10:10 – 12:25: What is a Head Geek?

12:25 – 15:24: When Did Single Pane of Glass Enter the IT Lexicon

15:24 – 22:58: Biggest Change Since You Started Your Career

22:58 – 27:05: Current Worst Trend in IT

27:05 – 32:45: Current Best Trend in IT

32:45 – 38:57: Where is IT Going in the Next 3-5 years?

38:57 – 44:23: Book Recommendations:

Accidental Empires by Robert X. Cringely
The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford
Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft’s Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone by Satya Nadella

44:23 – 46:43: First Computer You Owned

46:43 – 48:06: What Do You Do When You’re Not Working in IT?

48:06 – 50:03: How Do You CXaffeine?

50:03 – 50:40: Who Do You Want to See on IT Origins?

50:40: Career Advice

© Gestalt IT, LLC for Gestalt IT: Leon Adato – IT Origins