Is it even worth making predictions in 2021? I mean, it's not like 2020 was predictable! Tom Hollingsworth and a panel of tech influencers look at the trends the may be hitting our screens in 2021

© Gestalt IT, LLC for Gestalt IT: Do Predictions Even Matter in 2021?

Could anyone say they got their predictions mostly right in 2020? Even a little bit?

As we begin 2021, we take a moment to realize that no matter how straightforward things might seem right now, there is always something coming at us that could upset every potential idea we have.

Join a group of the brightest minds in the enterprise IT community to look at some of the trends and drivers that will shape the year to come.

Ask yourself, do predictions even matter in 2021? Or will this be the year when everyone gets it all right?


Keith Townsend
Ned Bellavance
Tim Crawford
Stephen Foskett




Tom Hollingsworth @NetworkingNerd

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© Gestalt IT, LLC for Gestalt IT: Do Predictions Even Matter in 2021?

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