Enjoy this bonus IT Origins interview in the feed this week, we spoke with Senior Cloud Ops Advocate, podcaster, and oenophile, Phoummala Schmitt. We discuss how she came into an IT career from the fashion industry, why we're already living in a multi-cloud world, and when high availability in the cloud goes beyond a SLA.

© Gestalt IT, LLC for Gestalt IT: BONUS: Phoummala Schmitt – IT Origins

Phoummala Schmitt is a Senior Cloud Ops Advocate with Microsoft and the Co-Host of Current Status.

You can follow her at her blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn

Enjoy this bonus IT Origins interview in the feed this week, we spoke with Senior Cloud Ops Advocate, podcaster, and oenophile, Phoummala Schmitt. We discuss how she came into an IT career from the fashion industry, why we’re already living in a multi-cloud world, and when high availability in the cloud goes beyond a SLA.

Book recommendations:

Hit Refresh by Satya Nadella

The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford

It Architect Series: The Journey: A Guidebook for Anyone Interested in It Architecture by Melissa Palmer

© Gestalt IT, LLC for Gestalt IT: BONUS: Phoummala Schmitt – IT Origins

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