Its L O V E Month! Happy February, friends! I am so excited to celebrate this month with you as we chat ALL MONTH LONG about the HEART. What better way to start off this relationship series than with our sister Lauren McCoy sharing her singleness journey with us!

Most people who talk about singleness talk about it at the end of the finish line. Those talking about singleness  usually  have the husband and the picture perfect family. Lauren is such a relatable queen. She is 30, flirty, and thriving (her words!! I promise you friend, its in the episode) and she is in a season of singleness. Lauren joins us this week to talk about how singleness is a GIFT and its a season to be enjoyed and explored!!! 

Lauren new book, "Beautifully Scripted: Living out singleness in a way that honors Christ" is available on Amazon RIGHT NOW.

I truly believe it is the BEST book on singleness I've ever read. -Georgia Brown

Georgia's prayer is that this episode would excite you about your journey with Jesus no matter what season you're in. You are not alone, friend! 

To know more about Lauren check out her...

You are so loved!
Let's hangout!