The Cam Newton video at his 7 on 7 camp is a sad commentary on parenting and things that are gloried. Here is the kid's apology

Deion Sanders is robbed for a second time. He is Joe Clarke in Lean on Me
Notre Dame makes the right move by saying they won’t be in the EA NCAA football game unless players are paid
Adrien Broner is a clown
Best of Social Media (Steve Kerr ball kick, Anthony Edwards dunk, Oklahoma player fight, Yosemite firefall)
Columbia Professor does heroin and it’s just ok.

Wrighster or Wrong portion of the George Wrighster Podcast with Ralph Amsden is the intersection where sports, business, society, and pop culture meet. Daily Fire… FACTS ONLY… Check Your feelings at the door.. No BS. Keep it 100.  Subscribe to my Youtube Channel to watch the video version of the podcast, and Follow me on Twitter.


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