Geopolitics & Empire · Jim Rogers: The Coming Global Financial Crisis Will Be The Worst In Our Lifetime #106
Renown investor Jim Rogers joins Geopolitics & Empire to discuss the coming global financial crisis, what central banks will do to delay the inevitable, the dollar and de-dollarization, the Eurozone, gold, China and the Asian Century, President Trump and the political divisions in America, and what the American Empire's wars abroad mean for the world and the USA.
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About the Guest
James Beeland “Jim” Rogers, Jr. is a Singapore based business magnate of American origin. Regarded by the business world as a brilliant investor, Rogers is also an author and financial commentator. He co-founded the global investment partnership, Quantum Fund, along with George Soros, another equally brilliant businessman. He also created the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI) and is the Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, Inc. The astute businessman displayed his business acumen from an early age. He was just five years old when he started his own “business” of selling peanuts! He studies economics, philosophy and politics at the Oxford University and joined the investment bank Arnhold and S. Bleichroder where he would meet his future business collaborator, George Soros. Even though he was very skilled at investing and managing money, he was not obsessed only with making money. There is a lot more to this interesting personality—he had a longstanding dream of motorcycling all over the world which he fulfilled during the period 1990-92. He is also a prolific writer and contributes frequently to ‘The Washington Post’, ‘The New York Times’, ‘Forbes’, ‘Fortune’ and ‘The Wall Street Journal’. One of his other interests is teaching and he has served as a professor of finance at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business.

*Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": (available on iTunes or Amazon)