Dr. Filip Kovačević discusses the latest news on NATO’s progress in Montenegro, how 2016 will be an important election year in the Balkans and for the United Nations, which will select a new Secretary-General. His thesis is that the new appointment may come from the Balkans and that China has a big role to play in the decision-making process. We also discuss Newsbud and the Kickstarter launched by FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds hoping to start a new, vibrant and independent news media organization.



About Filip Kovačević
Filip Kovačević is a geopolitical author, university professor and the chairman of the Movement for Neutrality of Montenegro. He received his BA and PhD in political science in the US and was a visiting professor at St. Petersburg State University in Russia for two years. He is the author of seven books, dozens of academic articles & conference presentations and hundreds of newspaper columns and media commentaries. He has been invited to lecture throughout the EU, Balkans, ex-USSR and the US. His other blogs are Critical Geopolitics: Open Source Investigations and Otpor & Pobuna: Protiv sile i nepravde (in Montenegrin). He can be contacted at [email protected]

*Podcast intro music is from the song "The Queens Jig" by "Musicke & Mirth" from their album "Music for Two Lyra Viols": http://musicke-mirth.de/en/recordings.html (available on iTunes or Amazon)