Does the phrase "practice make perfect" make you cringe? Me too! When it comes to learning and using Mandarin Chinese, our guest Venture Capitalist  Ryan Shuken ( focuses on fluency. He mentioned this in parts 1 and 2 of this interview but really expands on this concept with real life examples in today's episode. He stresses that he wants to keep talking to people, keep reading the newspaper, and keep typing a message. Perfection is not the goal: communication is. That's not to say that being understood is not important and this is clear in Ryan's future language goals of continuing to build vocabulary to make these communicative moments even more powerful.  

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Does the phrase "practice make perfect" make you cringe? Me too! When it comes to learning and using Mandarin Chinese, our guest Venture Capitalist Ryan Shuken focuses on fluency. He mentioned this in parts 1 and 2 of this interview but really expands on this concept with real life examples in today's episode. He stresses that he wants to keep talking to people, keep reading the newspaper, and keep typing a message. Perfection is not the goal: communication is. That's not to say that being understood is not important and this is clear in Ryan's future language goals of continuing to build vocabulary to make these communicative moments even more powerful.  

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