Did you blog your way through your first experiences in a new place? Our guest in episode 6 and this episode, Shannon Martin does this. She is an American who has lived in Shanghai, China for 6 years. In this two part interview she shares her first impressions of China via a blog post she wrote in 2012 with her current life in Shanghai. Shannon brings up many nuanced aspects of daily life in Shanghai that often get overlooked like personal space differences, cartoon patterned bed sheets, books, quiet places and more.

Shannon's Two Who Travel Blog:  http://www.twowhotravel.com/ (http://www.twowhotravel.com/)

Full show notes:  https://www.stephfuccio.com/reflections/8-shanghai-china-then-and-now-reflections-with-shannon-martin-of-two-who-travel-blog-part-2-of-2 (https://www.stephfuccio.com/reflections/8-shanghai-china-then-and-now-reflections-with-shannon-martin-of-two-who-travel-blog-part-2-of-2)

Did you blog your way through your first experiences in a new place? Our guest in episode 6 and this episode, Shannon Martin does this. She is an American who has lived in Shanghai, China for 6 years. In this two part interview she shares her first impressions of China via a blog post she wrote in 2012 with her current life in Shanghai. Shannon brings up many nuanced aspects of daily life in Shanghai that often get overlooked like personal space differences, cartoon patterned bed sheets, books, quiet places and more.

Shannon's Two Who Travel Blog: http://www.twowhotravel.com/

Full show notes: https://www.stephfuccio.com/reflections/8-shanghai-china-then-and-now-reflections-with-shannon-martin-of-two-who-travel-blog-part-2-of-2