Virtual Expat Podcast's new and improved season 2 begins with Jo, a British expat living in Shanghai, China. Her wisdom, insight, humour and down to earth advice to other expats about how their online and geographical selves can, should, may and might influence each other is the best way I can think to start this new online focused season. Thank you Jo and thank you to our listeners, who have been patient while this revamp was under production. 

More info here: (

 Virtual Expat Podcast's new and improved season 2 begins with Jo, a British expat living in Shanghai, China. Her wisdom, insight, humour and down to earth advice to other expats about how their online and geographical selves can, should, may and might influence each other is the best way I can think to start this new online focused season. Thank you Jo and thank you to our listeners, who have been patient while this revamp was under production. 

More info here: