Time and time again I hear my global friends complain that it's hard to find podcasts that are NOT from the U.S. As an American Podcaster (an Expat Podcaster, but still) this is always a sticky conversation for me because I listen to a mix of podcasts from and about many countries. Part of why the Global Podcasters episodes on Geopats started was because of my desire to share these global Podcasters and podcasting experiences with you. It sounds like Norman Chella (https://twitter.com/NormanChella) has a similar goal as mine but with the Asian scene as his more specific focus. 

Full show notes here:  https://www.stephfuccio.com/geopatspodcastingshow/122-are-you-sick-of-american-podcasts-discover-the-asian-podcasting-scene-with-normal-chella-of-podlovers-asia-podcast (https://www.stephfuccio.com/geopatspodcastingshow/122-are-you-sick-of-american-podcasts-discover-the-asian-podcasting-scene-with-normal-chella-of-podlovers-asia-podcast)

Time and time again I hear my global friends complain that it's hard to find podcasts that are NOT from the U.S. As an American Podcaster (an Expat Podcaster, but still) this is always a sticky conversation for me because I listen to a mix of podcasts from and about many countries. Part of why the Global Podcasters episodes on Geopats started was because of my desire to share these global Podcasters and podcasting experiences with you. It sounds like Norman Chella has a similar goal as mine but with the Asian scene as his more specific focus. 

Full show notes here: https://www.stephfuccio.com/geopatspodcastingshow/122-are-you-sick-of-american-podcasts-discover-the-asian-podcasting-scene-with-normal-chella-of-podlovers-asia-podcast

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