Has music ever soothed your soul and made you feel connected again? Yes, me too. And it sounds like the same happened to James when he was an expat for well over a decade. He is back in his home country now so his perspective on his time in the Czech Republic and China are especially poignant. As is the origin story for his intensely researched and impressively sounding podcast, the Centuries of Sound (/geopats/episode/update/id/%20https:/centuriesofsound.com/) . 

Episode notes:

https://www.stephfuccio.com/geopats-podcast/109-premium-expat-isolation-music-with-james-errington-of-the-centuries-of-sound-podcast (https://www.stephfuccio.com/geopats-podcast/109-premium-expat-isolation-music-with-james-errington-of-the-centuries-of-sound-podcast)

Has music ever soothed your soul and made you feel connected again? Yes, me too. And it sounds like the same happened to James when he was an expat for well over a decade. He is back in his home country now so his perspective on his time in the Czech Republic and China are especially poignant. As is the origin story for his intensely researched and impressively sounding podcast, the Centuries of Sound

Episode notes:
