Welcome to the Creatively Complicated podcast, where we dive into the messiness of our creativity. Summer and Stephanie are two Americans living abroad in two different countries: Germany and China. We met via podcasting so it made sense for us to start a podcast to talk through our creative ponderings. This podcast is about as far as one can go from an advice podcast, it is more of a process through the deep, murky waters of our own creative struggles. 

 In this episode, we do a 100% brain dump of how this podcast started. We left a ridiculous amount of What’s App voice messages to each other for over a month digging into the assumptions, pressures, organization and balancing act of “creativity”. We also are actively trying to grok the difference between “creativity” and “sharitivity” (yes, we made up the word “sharitivity” & we encourage frequent usage of said word) because to us creativity has a strong element of not found anywhere else newness to it but sharitivity has a curious, playful reviewing or reenvisioning instead. To dig into these ideas we even delve far back into our childhoods: be very afraid.

 Creative terminology/ideas to emerge from this episode:

-“Recreational creativity” (Summer)

-“So Called Creativity” (Summer)

-“This is where our brains go when we are together” (Summer)


Blog: https://eatsomethinggosomewhere.com/


Newsletter: https://podcasteditingplus.substack.com/

Website https://stephfuccio.weebly.com/