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Well thank you GenXers for joining us on one last show before the end of the year.  This is a special show with two fantastic folks in my life.  The goal was to make it an exciting episode that shows having a prepared mindset doesn’t necessarily mean we have to be all serious.  But that we can also make it fun.  

In all honesty, we experienced quite a few technical difficulties, but we wanted to share the results and show how we can still respond well when challenges arise.  We hope you enjoy it.  

Well what can I say, I’m so excited!  Kristin and I recently went on an anniversary trip to Nashville and we had the pleasure of staying at Travis’ Airbnb…. It’s a very quick jaunt to downtown with Broadway and that famous Nashville music scene, as well as centennial park with the life sized replica of the Parthenon from Greece, and really just about any other place you might be interested in seeing in Nashville  (sorry folks his place is not quite on the market yet on Airbnb)

But while we were there, Travis was getting ready to go out for a concert…  and he showed us this party preparedness pack. It’s this cool little backpack with a few very special features that make it great for parties, concerts and sporting events.  In the spirit of preparedness for New Years, we wanted to share it with you today.

Show Links

Backpack - Lunchbox Packs

Face Mask – Jes Splendid Design

Fan – Fansay Fans


Well, it’s the last show of the year. So I wanted to share a few extra thoughts. First ed wanted me to express his thanks to our listeners and viewers. We do this for a reason and that’s to help individuals and communities become better prepared. 

M - for me personally It’s been a great few months of shows and for 2022 we’ve got a bunch of exciting plans. We’ll continue to provide value with our Unboxed Prepping videos. We’re continuing the highly successful Storytime episodes where we share our thoughts on a story from the minds of preparedness.  And it sounds like we’re even planning some travel sharing events as well through the year.

We can’t wait to get into it with you. 

But for now, remember always to respond well and recover faster!  Till next time, this is Matt Marshall signing off. 


Would you be prepared? Are you prepared?

Choosing to be more prepared every day is a skill. One that should be honed. Focusing on growing just a little everyday will allow us all to be prepared to respond well and recover faster.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments about prepping, so please reach out and share as you can.

Until next time… this is monk signing off… better be prepared