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In each show we try to share insights into ways to respond well and recover faster.  Ed’s on a special mission today, so couldn’t join in…  So, In today’s episodes we have a very special guest… my Mom, Dorie Marshall…

Living through some would say significant times of struggle, Dorie Marshall has risen above all of it, and still maintins a positive outlook on life, family and faith.  This woman has faced single motherhood, multiple recessions, loss of multiple mother figures in her life, and moving a young family across the dessert to start life anew!

There've been struggle for sure, but through it all she's maintained her stedfast faith in God to help her through it. 

We hope you enjoy this episode, ,and really hope you get a chance to spend time like this with your loved ones!

Thanks Mom!


Some interesting links..

Red Lion Bar in the 60s (Now the Flite Room in Long Beach)


Pueblo Incident


Hog Back Mountain was actually Hog Back Loop Trail *which would get you to the Hollywood Sign


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Hey There GenXers!  Ed and I wanted to introduce you to Pack-Rabbit, our newest affiliate group.  Pack Rabbit grew from one person’s desire to craft a healthier and more efficient way to carry a pack. Now, Pack Rabbit is a small company made up of entrepreneurs, hunters, athletes, military, and outdoor enthusiasts. Their designs are influenced by diverse back

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