In this week’s episode, Matt takes a stab at answering 5 common preparedness questions. We’d love to hear your responses to these as well.  Feel free to comment below!


-        Why did you get into preparedness?

-        What movies/shows or books influenced your preparedness planning most?

-        Shelter in Place or Bug Out?

-        If faced with an active shooter-type situation, would it be better to run and hide, or attack the shooter?

-        What would be some means of communication in a post-apocalyptic world?


Give it some thought!











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Hey There GenXers!  Ed and I wanted to introduce you to Pack-Rabbit, our newest affiliate group.  Pack Rabbit grew from one person’s desire to craft a healthier and more efficient way to carry a pack. Now, Pack Rabbit is a small company made up of entrepreneurs, hunters, athletes, military, and outdoor enthusiasts. Their designs are influenced by diverse back

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