More from GenXTalkin

Hey there GenXers.  Matt Marshall here checkin in again.  It’s been a while, and I’m returning from a long hiatus this summer with a fresh approach to prepping.  I’ve traveled seemingly non-stop since May. Ive collected new ideas from the world of hiking and travel and overall preparedness.

GenXTalkin on Being Prepared was built with the plan in mind to help those unfamiliar with prepping become more aware; More aware of things that can cause concern, frustration or even fear, whether those things be simply running out of gas, a child tripping over a crack in the sidewalk, or something more … life changing.

We’d really like this channel to be a resource anyone can use to enter into the world of preparedness.  Maybe even those who've been prepping for a while can learn something important along the way. But it should also be considered multi-directional.  Meaning we don’t know everything, and we’d love to hear others’ thoughts and ideas on best ways to prepare and build a community of like minded folks.

But let’s go back to basics for a moment… Why prepare?  For me, the need to prepare primarily comes from a lifetime of dealing with difficult situations and having to think and act my way through them with the least amount of negative effects, whether they be physical, emotional, spiritual or mental.

I’d like to share a few stories from my life when preparedness, or lack thereof, was important in one form or another.  

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Would you be prepared? Are you prepared?

Choosing to be more prepared every day is a skill. One that should be honed. Focusing on growing just a little everyday will allow us all to be prepared to respond well and recover faster.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments about prepping, so please reach out and share as you can.

Until next time… this is monk signing off… better be prepared