Previous Episode: Becoming our parents

Religion, faith or Flying Spaghetti monster - do you believe in any of it? This week the GenX Stories gang explores our generation’s unique relationship to a higher power, whatever that may be. Between our own personal experiences, how they may have changed as we’ve aged and our take on the 15, er, 10.. 10 commandments, the universe ain’t ready for what we’ve got to say. Plus don’t miss wisdom from our FB community from an especially deep Zoom happy hour. So grab some of those good communion crackers and listen in!

Episode links

Religion and GenX (Pew)Generations and their belief in god (chart)Hebrew Alphabet songCampus Life religious clubWhat is a Bris?One spot in Jerusalem with three religionsThe 10 CommandmentsMoses & the 10 Commandments from History of The World Part 1The Flying Spaghetti MonsterPasta strainers and pirates: how the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was bornYahrzeit: Remembering on the Anniversary of a DeathSeven Deadly SinsHineni: ‘Here I am’ and ‘I am here’ are differentEve’s Huffington Post article about Hineni

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