Today we have a special little bonus episide for you - an interview with Gabi Lorino, a kick ass book editor and 100% pure GenXer. We originally thought this would be part of the books episode published last week, but it was too fabulous to edit down to a few minutes so it got it’s own. 

Gabi's actually the type of GenXer we created this podcast for because she’s got some amazing stories to share. Hear all about her work as an anthology editor, the books she loved as a kid (and which she re-reads) the books she’s written already and what her “big birthday” goal is.

Episode links 

Made in LA WritersPhotos of Gabi’s BooksGabi’s Books on AmazonGabi’s "author blog"Gabi on TwitterGsbi on InstagramGabi on FacebookGabi’s GenX BlogThe musical stylings of the Ukeladies singing "Single in December."

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