Recorded in the Peruvian Amazon jungle at the Temple of the Way of Light, this episode features Geoff Haun, one of our staff teachers. We sat in his Tambo (see episode artwork) and discussed his experiences learning qigong, meditation, and yoga. We also talk about the Temple and the Chaikuni Institute, the “No Trash Diet”, and Sivananda Yoga Masters working in the Bahamas.

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Genuinely Useful podcast is sponsored by Magical Egypt

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This episode’s Featured Original Music by Abe Vandenberg - “Back on the Feet”

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Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice




International Sivananda Vedanta Centres

The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres organisation with locations around the world is dedicated to the teaching of classical yoga and vedanta to promote physical, mental and spiritual health.


Sivananda Bahamas

For nearly 50 years the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat has been a leading destination for people seeking a spiritual environment to study and practice yoga and develop a healthy lifestyle.


Chaikuni Institute

    We investigate and promote sustainable access to plant medicine, healthy food and economic opportunities for local communities by creating an integral agriculture model within our Amazon permaculture center.


Temple of the Way of Light

The Temple of the Way of Light is a traditional plant-medicine shamanic healing center located in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest that offers intensive ayahuasca retreats with female and male Shipibo healers. We are dedicated to providing our guests with the opportunity to benefit from the ancient healing wisdom of the Shipibo people, and to helping this unique culture preserve its knowledge and identity in the 21st Century.






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