Previous Episode: Interview with Kyle Hebert

Our second episode this week features two very awesome Kickstarter projects! We sit down to talk to Justin Richards, author of the Vault Comics series Finger Guns as he is set to launch his Kickstarter project titled A Silent Night. A Zine comic featuring collaborations with some pretty amazing artists and creators in the comic book industry that focuses on the struggles with anxiety and depression, partnered with the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, they hope to get their project funded and help spread awareness of the importance of mental health. We are also joined by Emily McGuiness and Daniel Bridges who also have a very interesting and unique project in the works at Kickstarter. The Zombie Game, where a group of college students attend an end-of-the-year party, only to find themselves hunted by the rich in a live-action, zombie apocalypse video game. I know, I know, this sounds crazy, fantastic, and we read the first issue and it's all that and more! A true nod to fans of horror, the undead, and unique takes on how gaming may or may not shape our future. Plus, there's an adorable dog named Leg, and he has his own coloring book!Check out these projects on Kickstarter, support them, and help creators bring their passions to life. Subscribe to be notified about our next episode, as always please rate/review so we know what you love and don't love. Most importantly, Geek responsibly.

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Our second episode this week features two very awesome Kickstarter projects! We sit down to talk to Justin Richards, author of the Vault Comics series Finger Guns as he is set to launch his Kickstarter project titled A Silent Night. A Zine comic featuring collaborations with some pretty amazing artists and creators in the comic book industry that focuses on the struggles with anxiety and depression, partnered with the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, they hope to get their project funded and help spread awareness of the importance of mental health. 

We are also joined by Emily McGuiness and Daniel Bridges who also have a very interesting and unique project in the works at Kickstarter. The Zombie Game, where a group of college students attend an end-of-the-year party, only to find themselves hunted by the rich in a live-action, zombie apocalypse video game. I know, I know, this sounds crazy, fantastic, and we read the first issue and it's all that and more! A true nod to fans of horror, the undead, and unique takes on how gaming may or may not shape our future. Plus, there's an adorable dog named Leg, and he has his own coloring book!

Check out these projects on Kickstarter, support them, and help creators bring their passions to life. Subscribe to be notified about our next episode, as always please rate/review so we know what you love and don't love. Most importantly, Geek responsibly.

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