Drew and Travis witness a feudal feud between 100 Monsters and a wealthy landowner in the first of the Yokai Monsters movies! And in our gluttony, we couldn’t help but talk about its sequel, too!


00:00:00 - 100 Monsters

00:22:22 - The Shelf

00:36:56 - Calls to Action

00:38:51 - Currently Consuming

00:53:21 - End


Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters

Yokai Monsters: Spook Warfare

Halloween Ends

Drew and Travis witness a feudal feud between 100 Monsters and a wealthy landowner in the first of the Yokai Monsters movies! And in our gluttony, we couldn’t help but talk about its sequel, too!


00:00:00 - 100 Monsters

00:22:22 - The Shelf

00:36:56 - Calls to Action

00:38:51 - Currently Consuming

00:53:21 - End


Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters

Yokai Monsters: Spook Warfare

Halloween Ends