To our waiting list and everyone else, we are excited to share a sample of the new audiobook of Brain Dance: My Journey with Invisible Illness, Second Chances, and the Wonders of Applied Neuroscience. The audiobook is now sold on Audible through Amazon but will soon be available to listeners around the globe through 50 retail channels, library platforms, and music streaming services. 

Brain Dance is a medical memoir, an Amazon number one bestseller, and winner of multiple awards including "No. 1 Best Nonfiction Book of the Year" and "No. 1 Best True Drama." Since publication in May 2021, it's available in both print and Ebook formats. 

People describe Brain Dance as a book on "neuroscience that reads like a novel — one that’s hard to put down." It's for anyone who loves learning about the brain, has had even a bump on the head, or has felt totally lost in life, for any reason, and needs to start over.  #brainfog #longCOVID 

Narrated by the author, Diane Wilson shares her journey through random and sometimes humorous events of having an invisible illness, how her brain kept this injury even from herself, the loss of focus and sense of self, an obsession with day trading retirement funds, and the alternative therapies that helped heal her brain. These include a retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh, acupuncture, learning to sing, and, most centrally, neurofeedback.

Brain Dance is candid, intimate, and always a gentle teacher. You will laugh, cry, and learn your way through Diane's often-stumbling journey from moderate concussion to now working at the forefront of applied neuroscience.

She will challenge everything you know about the brain, what it can mean to be injured and how to help yourself become all you were meant to be. Drawing from deep threads of wisdom from her family of origin, Buddhism, music, and science, she advocates on behalf of brain health awareness for making the world a better place.

For more review comments see Cover Credit, art from Duy Huynh of Lark & Key.