Today, Trent Shelton has 7.1 million followers on Facebook, 1.2 million on Instagram, and equally impressive numbers across the other social media platforms.  He’s used these numbers to take his business to the next level and explains how you can do the same.  

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Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Trent in this episode:

5 Strategies To Maximize Social Media and Reach Millions of People Online The best way to spread your message worldwide and take your business to the next level A smart strategy for engaging with people and keeping raving fans with your forever One of the most effective ways to create inspiring content that draws people to you If you want to build your social media following, go to influencers' pages and do THIS ONE THING… Humanize: The way to turn social media numbers into a brand name for yourself Trent reveals the #1 thing that will help you sell more than almost anything else One action you can take that helps people see you as more credible and trustworthy online You don’t need to game the system. Here’s how to organically build your social media following… How to beat the social media algorithms every time (even when the algorithms change) The secret to creating a tight-knit community of followers who share your message with the world
