Welcome to the #REALTALK podcast

Every week GenHope brings the #REALTALK podcast discussing real issues from money management, debt, investing, weight loss, love and fitness plus so much more

This podcast is for real people dealing with real issues wanting real solutions and advice.

This week podcast is with Ben Watson. Ben is a sports performance with over 15 years fitness experience working as a personal trainers, coach and lecturer. Ben also heads up GenFit a online fitness coaching business.

Ben discusses the benefits of fitness and why it's vitally important we all take fitness seriously but also making it Fun.

Do you enjoy fitness? Are you training regular? If not let us know why?

Ensure to subscribe to the podcast (content can be found on SoundCloud and Apple podcast (Search for Generation Hope) and leave your comments also visit GENTV for more inspiring, motivating and empowering videos (Link in bio) or cut and paste the link into your browser www.youtube.com/generationhope1
