Previous Episode: Body Life
Next Episode: Water and Light

In the Scriptures, discipleship is never an individual event, it is a team sport. In fact, let’s just state that maybe the biggest obstacle to authentic discipleship in our culture is our rugged individualism. Yet, God designed this Christian life thing to be done in community, a group of “one anothers”.

First of all, God has ordained that our growth happens in community. This is modeled in Jesus’ calling of the 12 to Himself where He invested in them, did ministry among them, and then sent them out. Second, growth in the Christian life happens in the context of deep and meaningful relationships as people seek to follow Jesus together. Third, it is the authentic love found within community that images the glory of God to the outside world.

What this means is that disciples need both rows and circles. Rows where they gather with God’s people for worship and to hear the word taught. And, circles where authentic relationships, so important for our being, are shaped into the image of Jesus.