It's week 3 of virtual UPLIFT and we're gettin' really real. On day 958 of entrepreneurship, we're obsessed with Glennon Doyle’s beautiful book, UNTAMED. Giant questions we're grappling with that we hope will inspire you, too:

Why do you think you’re broken when you have a bad feeling? Can you own ALL the pieces of you and be accepting of even the tough stuff? Who are you really and do you have the guts to show all the way up? Are your dreams your plans?

It's week 3 of virtual UPLIFT and we're gettin' really real. On day 958 of entrepreneurship, we're obsessed with Glennon Doyle’s beautiful book, UNTAMED. Giant questions we're grappling with that we hope will inspire you, too:

Why do you think you’re broken when you have a bad feeling? Can you own ALL the pieces of you and be accepting of even the tough stuff? Who are you really and do you have the guts to show all the way up? Are your dreams your plans?