Previous Episode: Travel For Work
Next Episode: Your Voice - 017

On day 588 of entrepreneurship, we're celebrating GIRL POWER! We just hosted the inaugural UPLIFT, a 2-day retreat for women in fundraising in Phoenix. Those 21 ladies blew us away and we are still reeling from the connection, honesty and bad-assery in the room.

We believe:

It's time for a new workplace. Minimum compliance & maximum widget production are in the past. For innovation, collaboration and nimbleness, we must focus on building healthy teams, embrace the personal as integral to the professional & lift one another up. 
You decide what success looks like. Get rid of the shoulds. Ignore those flawless Instagram stories. Focus on what brings you joy. Define and redefine what success means to you - not to everyone else. Show up for yourself. Hold workouts, massages, alone-time and girls' trips sacred. Give yourself space to think big. Give yourself permission to cry and to be pissed off. Be all-the-way you and you will find your tribe.