3:30 Georgi’s story/background

6:25 Georgi’s venture into low carb/Paleo

8:20 Georgi’s problems with low carb begin

10:50 How Coke led Georgi to Ray Peat

14:20 Georgi goes back to high sugar 

17:40 Burnout Syndrome is due to high cortisol

19:05 Mainstream medicine’s “car” view of the organism: Energy & Structure are “separate"

20:51 Metabolic Theory: Energy & Structure are INTERDEPENDENT

21:24 Stress is a functional disorder

22:06 No single gene mutation is responsible for all disorders around us (Diabetes, Cancer, Alzheimers, Schizophrenia, Other Lethal Diseases etc;)

22:41 Metabolic theory: All of these diseases are due to chronic interference of energy (ATP & C02)

23:11 How Fatty Liver disease can lead to cancer without any change or mutation in genome

23:51 Metabolic Theory: Chronic Interference with energy lead to structural derangements

24:18 Energetic disturbances are produced in the entire body, not specific cells

24:30 Cells communicate chemically and electromagnetically

24:37 Knee problem will be known by entire organism

25:30 Ray Peat’s definition of stress

26:12 Temperature and pulse should be used together

26:38 Waking Armpit Temperature Below 85 is a problem thyroid; testosterone & progesterone have positive inotrophic & chronotrophic effects on heart

26:57 Achilles Tendon Reflex Test: a test for hypothyroidism, dementia, and all cause mortality

28:31 Urine Test as measure of metabolic rate

29:41 Are competitive athletes healthy?

31:57 Danny’s gasp ;p

32:51 The amazing recuperative abilities of children

35:10 Inefficient energy production leads to poor repair processes, shutting down of organs, and cancerization

35:33 What is cancer?

36:49 Protective hormone synthesis requires energy 

37:16 High cholesterol: A sign of hypothyroidism and hormone synthesis impairment

37:30 Extreme situations of stress & extreme aging’s hormone production & their effects

39:37 Inflammation explained: The true cause of illness of all chronic and infectious diseases

40:40 No such thing as healthy inflammation

41:06 Arachidonic Acid as a major precursor to Inflammation in the body

42:07 PUFA’s affect on cell’s affinity for water

42:44 Signals for cell division and growth.  

43:30 What results in mutations? Genes or cellular metabolic derangements?

43:45 PUFA’s key signal effects, PUFA’s effects

46:42 EPA and DHA (Unsaturated) as precursors for lipid peroxidation, DHA as substrates for acrolein: Universally agreed upon aging and inflammatory processes

48:23 Omega 3 Propaganda and background

50:12 FDA reviews original evidence for saturated fat and reverses opinion

52:18 All gut bacteria capable of producing endotoxin is harmful

56:41 How antibiotics kill bacteria

57:40 Serotonin and endotoxin's place in stress system, more on its effects and processes

59:25 Serotonin’s functional roles
