Today’s Guest Sean Ellis coined the term "Growth Hacking" and is considered the founder of the worldwide Growth Hacking movement. He developed and applied Growth Hacking at companies like Dropbox, Eventbrite, LogMeIn, and Lookout, which led to breakout growth for these companies (all worth billions of dollars today).

Today Sean helps companies around the globe accelerate customer and revenue growth through workshops, keynote presentations, and select advising roles. His work has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, WIRED, Fast Company,, TechCrunch, and MSNBC.


2:17 - 4:53 - What is Growth Hacking 5:00 - 6:44 - What is the function of a business 6:49 - 9:55 - How to build a sustainable business 9:58 - 15:20 - Why is it hard for companies to implement the growth hacking strategies 15:27 - 21:18 - Can you reorganize the business model of a company? 21:20 - 29:02 - What Sean learned from his podcast? 29:03 - 31:04 - What does Sean think of companies that could use this Coronavirus trend for growth 31:05 - 41:58 - How can we educate people around growth marketing 42:00 - 45:58 - On what is Sean currently working on 46:10 - 50:33 - What is the team around Sean and what people is he following? 

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