Welcome to Chapter 3 of Generation Podcast! In today's episode, I am joined by Arielle Nissenblatt, who is no stranger to the podcasting world. Arielle, who previously joined us in Season 3, shares her journey and experiences in the podcasting industry.

During our conversation, we discuss the state of the podcasting industry and the significance of events like Podcast Movement. Arielle shares her personal story of attending Podcast Movement for the first time and how it opened doors for her in the podcasting world. Together we delve into the importance of networking, making connections, and the collaborative nature of the podcasting community.

Between her first time attending the conference and today, Arielle has become a prominent figure in the field despite her background in nonprofit work. Arielle reveals valuable insights into podcast marketing strategies and the importance of resilience and experimentation.

Additionally, Arielle introduces her podcast recommendation newsletter, Earbuds, and explains how it serves as a powerful tool for creators to discover new podcasts and connect with a wider audience.

Subscribe to Arielle Nissenblatt's newsletter : https://www.earbudspodcastcollective.org/

Listen to the episode 1 of season 3 with Arielle Nissenblatt here : https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/beyond-borders-with-arielle-nissenblatt-earbuds/id1539340278?i=1000578765082

Retrouvez Génération Podcast le podcast qui parle de podcasts sur Instagram, LinkedIn et Twitter.

Génération Podcast est un podcast d'Anne-Fleur Andrle, habillé et mixé par la talentueuse Alice Krief.

Plus d'infos : www.ecoutegenerationpodcast.com

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