Ep 22 - Chatting with Julia Doherty. 

Julia is a self confessed workaholic who decided to walk 500 miles across Spain on the Camino De Santiago Pilgrimage in 2016. Little did she know how this magical place would unlock a forgotten soul and reignite a new found passion that has since sparked a new business venture.  Julia’s new mission in life  is to promote the benefits of walking in nature for busy workaholics, young adults and burnt out parents.  We all need some time-out to make room for more business ideas, or to clear space in our heads for own sanity and what better way than grabbing your walking boots, trekking poles, and trusty backpack.  If you're looking for a challenge or a way to really get in touch with who you are, you have got to listen to this episode!


You can find more about Julia and the Camino at her website www.adventuregeek.co.uk or check out her podcast The Camino Talk Show Podcast on Podbean, Stitcher and iTunes.  You can also find Julia on Facebook at The Adventure Geek