Previous Episode: Kenny MacKenzie
Next Episode: "Rob"

Each week we sit down with a guest to discuss Mission and Evangelism in Scotland and beyond.

Our guests this week are Steve and Anna Griffiths. Born in Mutare, Zimbabwe, Steve trained as a doctor. He met his English wife Anna in Harare (who came on holiday to Zim and never went home!) After learning Portuguese in Coimbra, Portugal, Steve & Anna served in northern Mozambique in medical and church work. They then joined OMF, learning the Khmer language and working in Cambodia where Steve was a technical advisor to the leprosy programme of the Cambodian Ministry of Health. Asked to move to OMF Headquarters in Singapore, Steve & Anna shared the role of Director for Personnel based in Singapore for the last twelve years. They have two children Joshua and Aimée, both in medical school at present. Steve and Anna moved to São Paulo in Brazil – and are busy getting the rust off their Portuguese.


The Axe and the Tree:


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