Aleksander Saško Nezamutdinov, or Sashko, is a church planter in Krakow, Poland. Sashko, along with his wife Ania, made Krakow their home after hearing about the desperate need for the gospel in Poland.

Out of this desire to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, Sashko and a small team of young adults planted Christ the Saviour Presbyterian Church in 2015. Most of these members came from churches where charismatic and prosperity gospel teachings were prevalent. Among these new members there was a desire to be a part of a Reformed church.

The group began to hold English club outreaches and started a Heidelberg Catechism discussion group. In 2019, the fledgling church rented a small storefront in the cultural capital of Poland, which serves as both the worship space for Sunday and a Christian library during the week.

Sashko has also been busy with a publishing ministry, and with the help of Come Over & Help, solid Reformed literature has now been translated into the Polish language. 


Presented by David Meredith.
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