Each week we sit down with a guest to discuss Mission and Evangelism in Scotland and beyond.

Our guest this week is author Fiona Christie.

Fiona has recently released a book called "A Strange Unmaking: Ten Years In Colombia."

A Strange Unmaking is a collection of blogs, poems, reflections, journal entries and short stories written by an ordinary Scottish woman during the ten years she lived in the extraordinary country of Colombia. When Fiona Christie first visited Colombia she was beguiled by the beauty of land and the courtesy of the people. A three-week holiday led to a ten-year commitment, first teaching English in a Bible seminary and later equipping churches in poor areas affected by conflict to work with children. Every day Fiona found something fascinating to write about or a beautiful picture to share. But beneath the shimmering surface, decades of conflict had left the land soaked with blood and the nation bitterly divided. The weight of second-hand trauma began to take its toll on Fiona before she realised that she was being unmade to be re-made. A Strange Unmaking takes the reader beyond the stereotypes to a tragic, magical place and tells a determinedly untriumphalistic missionary story.


Purchase Here: A Strange Unmaking: Ten Years in Colombia https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08MVFY5YX/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_S5Y0T51SR15SD9ZKA2RW

Presented by David Meredith