G'day Folks,

Today Ethan, Andy & I are joined by a man who has done extensive research and dug deep to find out and publish as much as possible on a host of topics but specializes in Weather Modification.

Jim Lee from WeatherModificationHistory.com and ClimateViewer.org joins us from South Carolina in the USA for this early show today. His motto is the often quoted "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it". Which is why he has painstakingly put thousands of hours into his work documenting the work of the Climate Changers.

This is only Part 1! We really only just scratched the surface and hopefully wet your appetite for Part 2 in a few weeks time when we do a longer, deeper dive with Jim for another round.

In this episode we covered:

- The known weather mod operations carried out here in Australia with somewhat devastating effects.

- Globally the plans have been going on for years and there's no plans to stop. China is "investing" another $168 million to control the weather.

- Our guest joins the discussion as he was stuck in traffic. Jim Lee blows our minds on just how far back weather modification operations go. 2000's? No. 1900's? Try again. 1840's is the earliest known documented efforts.

- Is weather modification efficacy provable? If not why are they doing it?

- Water scarcity is huge in the USA. Fracking for gas is a huge operation and requires incredible amounts of water. What's the solution? Cloud seeding operations of course.

- Weather warfare. The resource they're all after is the new gold... Water.

- CHEMTRAILS! We pick Jim's brain on the chemtrail issue. What are we seeing in the sky? What's in it and who is making the chemtrails?

- Plus more...

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https://twitter.com/frankyclarke/status/1557031987474534402?s=21&t=Ge2WfYVCk0g8alMU7iup6w - Chemtrails video

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