Previous Episode: Week in Nerdom 2 - 9
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Are You Afraid of the Dark? - New teaser
Walking Dead - Production begins!
Last of Us - Pedro Pascal cast as Joel.
Bella Ramsay (Lyanna Marmot GoT) cast as Ellie.


The Man Who Fell to Earth
New series based on the ‘63 novel, and the movie starring David Bowie in 76, coming to Paramount+ starring Chiwetel Ejiofor. To be showran by Alex Kurtzman.

Overlook Hotel
HBO Max has given JJ Abrams’ Bad Robot the green light for the Shining series.

Animated series ALSO in the works

Announcements of a few new “adult oriented” animated series for the streamer. Velma, which will feature the voice of Mindy Kaling, also EP on the project. Clone High is being rebooted.

Movie and series are in the works at Netflix. This is the first time that any ONE content company has had the rights to the WHOLE series. The Brian Jacques books are being adapted by Patrick McHale of Over the Garden Wall fame.


Borderlands - Jack Black cast as Claptrap

Spider-Man 3
Tom Holland shoots down rumors??

Blue Sky Studios
The animation house that gave us Ice Age is being closed by Disney. April will be the final days for the team.

Jackass 4
Bam Margera fired, and calls for a boycott of the film.


Space X Starlink - $99 preorders are open to those in the service area.
Fortnite - New Tron Skins

CD Projekt Red
Cyber attack holding info ransom. CDPR claims none of the data effected is the personal information of users. They also claim that they still have access to intact backups and are working on the restoration. Hackers claim to have the source code for Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3, including an unreleased version of Witcher.
Then as this story has further developed, the hackers have now apparently sold the stolen code for 7 million dollars.

Borderlands 3
Director’s Cut DLC got an official release date. March 18th
Lots of new rewards, BTS content, Murder Mysteries, Huge raid boss Hemovorous, and Vault Card Challenges for new gear.

Kingdom Hearts
Coming to PC on March 30th. All the games save for 358/2 Days and Re:Coded.

Comic Books/Books

Legends of the Dark Knight
New Batman anthology series coming from DC. Weekly digital first series will be an anthology series. Series begins April 2 digitally and May 18 phisical, with each 10 page digital “chapter” being half of the print version.
Rumor Mill

Kraven - Now there is a BIGGER source saying that Keanu has officially been offered the job. And Yet another says that Reeves has turned down the role.

Mandalorian/Cara Dune
The backlash has apparently been so great that the mouse is questioning their lopsided judgement.

Rumored to be hard at work on micro OLED screens in the development of AR glasses.

Star Wars
Rumor says Darth Talon will show up in Mando.

Silent Hill
2 games in the works? Seems that one will be developed by Sony in house, and the other will be a multi-platform release.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Jason Momoa offered the voice part of Knuckles

Mortal Kombat
WB wants a cinematic universe.

Batman TAS
First rumor pinning Kevin Conroy to the series.