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Orange Is the New Black’s Jim Danger Gray and director Paul W.S. Anderson are developing a series based on the ‘97 movie from Guillermo Del Toro for Miramax TV.

Ren and Stimpy
Comedy Central is now ALSO reviving Ren and Stimpy. This will be the third revival on the network. Joining Beavis and Butt-head, and Jodie (which is a Daria spin-off)

Who’s The Boss?
Sequel series in development by Sony. Alyssa Milano and Tony Danza to be returning as the Micellis.

A League of Their Own
Amazon has ordered to series.


Tom Hanks has signed on to play Gepetto for the Disney live-action remake… NOT the Guillermo Del Toro dark take.

To be released as VOD only on Disney+... wait, what?
Sept. 4 will see the release of Mulan on the streaming service, and it will cost $30. It will ALSO release in theaters at the same time

Captain Marvel 2
Nia Dacosta has been chosen to helm the next Brie Larson superhero movie. Dacosta’s only other real credit is the Candyman remake that has yet to be released. Though upon a cursory perusal of her socials shows she DOES seem to be a bit of a legit nerd. Though that likely won’t matter because Feige.

John Wick 5
Officially announced. Keanu is also returning… duh.
Supposed to be filming 4 and 5 back to back.

Teasing Suicide Squad game

Apex Legends
August 18th is the launch for season 6. New legend Rampart will launch with a new automatic energy weapon and a boat load of skins and such. ALSO they will be introducing a new gameplay element, CRAFTING. You will be able to create new weapons and equipment in the game.

Spider-Man will be in the RPG. but only on the PS4… because reasons

Xbox Live
Gold is NOT going away. That $10 a month is here to stay, for now.

Future Proof
Doom: Eternal and The Elder Scrolls Online are the 2 most recent games to announce free future system upgrades.

Street Fighter V
New DLC announced for the final season of the game.

Comic Books/Books

Gen 13
The Wildstorm book is making something of a return. There is a new Trade being released that re-collects the books from a 2002 trade. It is being called Gen 13: Starting Over and it will be on shelves in May 2021.

Robin King
DC revealed the character to ALSO be an evil Bruce Wayne… Dark Night’s Death Metal is AWESOME!

Rumor Mill
New rumors, echoing what we have heard before. Alison Brie is said to be THE actor for the job.

Apex Legends/Titanfall
Live action movie in the works?

Black Adam
Michael B Jordan rumored to be the choice for Hawkman in the DC movie.Even though The Rock wants Ryan Reynolds for the part.

Deathstroke is the newest rumored DC kharacter for DLC.

Mandalorian S2
To air with the 1st round of the NBA playoffs?