Our first interview AND our first English episode! James D'Amato of the OneShot Network joined us to talk about his work, his book and what actions he takes to make the RPG community a better place for everyone. We discuss how games are political and talk about OneShot's decision to feature only games by marginalized creators in 2019. We also touch on subjects like the current state of the world, Personal Play and how a German version of Monsterhearts could look like.

Wenn ihr die Episode mochtet, gebt uns doch einen virtuellen schwarzen Tee aus! :D Vielen Dank!

An interview about making the RPG Community a better place

Our first interview AND our first English episode! James D'Amato of the OneShot Network joined us to talk about his work, his book and what actions he takes to make the RPG community a better place for everyone. We discuss how games are political and talk about OneShot's decision to feature only games by marginalized creators in 2019. We also touch on subjects like the current state of the world, Personal Play and how a German version of Monsterhearts could look like.

The One Shot Network


James' Book: The Ultimate RPG Character Backstory Guide

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The scratch record sound is Scratch Speed by Racoonanimator, found on Freesound.


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