In this podcast, Mo Isom Aiken shares about the importance of sex, and sexuality. Many times people are confused or scared to navigate the conversation of sex and sexuality with their children. However, this is a conversation, that God wants to speak to us about too. 

“We as women, mothers, and daughters of the Most High, must allow Him to minister, heal and cultivate conversations about sex within our own hearts first.”

Sex is an act of worship when it’s used in the right context. It is also used as a weapon against the enemy. God’s text is full of this truth from Genesis to Revelation. 

“Sex is an invention and a gift from God.”  

God desires us as parents to lead our children in the way that they should go. Also, to speak of His ways and His decrees. That simply means it is a non-negotiable; we must have this conversation regardless of how uncomfortable it may be. 

Children are being exposed to things at a young age, like pornography and we need to stand in the gap for them. Mo shares about her experiences of sharing about sexuality to her daughter and their reactions. 

“God created sex as a beautiful gift between a husband and a wife. And how that prophesies this beautiful intimacy that we’re invited into between he as the bridegroom and we as His bride.” 

We can begin to share with our children early in their lives to create hearts that are responsive to God’s identity in their lives, including His wondrous design. Mo reminds us that we should share with our children the truth of sex and sexuality so that they understand that it is more than a physical act and is rather about intimacy.

What we chat about

Mo’s story

Sex and sexuality 

Sex as a loss narrative in the Christian family

When to talk to your children about sex

Purity culture

Basic lessons to help our children understand God’s design for sex

Function and purpose of sex

Worldview that lies behind the huge cultural shifts and how it affects children

Connect with Mo




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