Download 01-03-10
Horror Movies with CINEMA KNIFE FIGHT:
L. L. Soares’s fiction has appeared in such magazines as Cemetery Dance, Horror Garage, Bare Bone, Gothic.Net, and Lullaby Hearse, as well as the anthologies THE BEST OF HORRORFIND 2, RIGHT HOUSE ON THE LEFT, RAW: BRUTALITY AS ART, and TRAPS. His story -Second Chances- received an Honorable Mention in sixteenth annual edition of THE YEAR’S BEST FANTASY AND HORROR, edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling. He is an Active member of the Horror Writers Association -HWA, as well as the current co-chair of the New England Horror Writers -NEHW. His first story collection, IN SICKNESS, will be published in 2010 by Skullvines Press.
Michael Arruda is the author of numerous short stories and movie reviews. His work has appeared in anthologies, magazines, and online publications, including BE VERY AFRAID!, AMAZING HEROES, LOVECRAFT’S WEIRD MYSTERIES, FAR SECTOR SFFH and DAWNSKY. Michael’s an Active Member of the HORROR WRITERS ASSOCIATION and served as the HWA’s NEW ENGLAND CHAPTER co-coordinator from 2001 to 2007. He’s also been penning the movie review column -In the Spooklight- for the HWA NEWSLETTER since 2000. Michael also writes the movie review column -Cinema Knife Fight- with L.L. Soares.