Hello out there all you 365'rs the boys are back in the booth to shoot there Wads all up in your ear-Holes...

This time the lads Bring you there regular News Round-Up which has become part and parcel, Then we swiftly move into our final thoughts about the Walking Dead Pt B, We bring you our hopes for the Pre Season of Game of Thrones Season 5 and we finish off with a candid review from Chris about 1996 classic Bio-Dome...

Timeline: Musings and 365Intro 0.00 - 0.55

News Round-Up 0.55 - 25.30

Walking Dead Wrap-Up 25.30 - 58.17

Game Of Thrones Pre Season 58.17 - 1.19.45

Chris Reviews Bio-Dome 1.19.45 - 1.37.30


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Thankz again to William Milne for the awesome Intro.

Hello out there all you 365'rs the boys are back in the booth to shoot there Wads all up in your ear-Holes...

This time the lads Bring you there regular News Round-Up which has become part and parcel, Then we swiftly move into our final thoughts about the Walking Dead Pt B, We bring you our hopes for the Pre Season of Game of Thrones Season 5 and we finish off with a candid review from Chris about 1996 classic Bio-Dome...

Timeline: Musings and 365Intro 0.00 - 0.55

News Round-Up 0.55 - 25.30

Walking Dead Wrap-Up 25.30 - 58.17

Game Of Thrones Pre Season 58.17 - 1.19.45

Chris Reviews Bio-Dome 1.19.45 - 1.37.30


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Subscribe to The PodVideos on YouTube


Thankz again to William Milne for the awesome Intro.

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