Relax! The Geeky Monkey Podcast returns with more pop culture goodness!
This month Paul Gannon & Damien St John talk Indiana Jones 5, The BAFTA Video Game Awards, their reaction to the reaction to the Ghostbusters trailer as well as muse on Star Trek turning 50 years old and Paul reviews his experience taking part in The Crystal Maze: Live!
We have correspondence from Claire Lim, who talks about the US vs UK cinema going experiences. Award nominated comedian Matt Highton shares his love of the Zelda franchise. Comic Book Man Rob Deb reviews Batman Vs Superman (a bit too enthusiastically!), award winning comedian Richard Sandling vents his anger over the grown men throwing macho hissy fits on-line over female representation in film and we even manage to squeeze in 30 seconds of actress Holly Hunter talking about her time on the set of BvS!
Its a packed show full of geeky goodness! So share, enjoy and rate us on-line! OR ELSE!

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