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What Doe’s BitCoin Lack?
Answer those memorable words of US notes:
“Legal Tender — For all debts public & private…”
While enjoyed the recent piece on BitCoin from Commerce Bank, which I read on my smartphone, it does reinforce some misconceptions about Crypto Currencies. 
Such as being accepted by some merchants BurgerKing for example. With one BitCoin trading at $39,000 making change would be kind of difficult, even if you take "fries with that?”
If I visit a merchant and offer him US dollars, he’s bound to accept it, assuming it’s not a counterfeit note.
The main cause of BitCoin’s rise is twofold, first, it confirms Gresham’s Law & second, BitCoin was the birth of BlockChain technology. It gained its ascendancy by use on sites like “SilkRoad”, being untraceable for illegal transactions. 
With the fluctuations of the “market” accepting BitCoin for any transaction is chancy at best.

Gresham's Law states "Bad money drives out good!"  Economics 101