Music courtesy of Banjo HangOut Civil War medley
Another member of my circle has come down with Covid, and we are in year three of a pandemic with the most virulent virus known to us, it must be virulent because we are entering “the flu season” of year four.
I guess our initial reaction was too effective in postponing the so-called herd immunity — like the famous game of “kick the can,” which I am sure most people alive today have never played.
In terms of dealing with Omicron if masks have been effective it’s like playing Kick The Can
I doubt there are many of my listeners who have played Kick The Can. I know my wife didn’t she was raised in the suburbs “No sidewalks Herr Mozart” 
I was raised in a more urban setting although to my cousins in Brooklyn I was strictly a country mouse. 
Kick the can is best played on a not-very-busy street. Usually on the way to or from school. It plays best with one can and two players taking turns. The object is to kick that empty tin can as far as you are able. Hopefully in a straight line. 
Of course, someone traveling in the opposite direction is free to kick it back toward you. The object is to keep the can low and it’s bad form for the can to get above your waist. It’s strictly a boys' game. In my grade school, the girls thought it silly & undignified. 
As I said its entertainment value is limited, but it serves a good analogy for our current circumstance: two things are possible — we were so effective in delaying the onset that it’s lingering longer.
The second is that Omicron is more virulent than previous versions. Either way, it’s no longer a fun thing!