This lady is amazing! GeekGirl sat down with Kim Pham of Frontline Ventures, an early-stage VC based in Dublin. Listen to find out more about her role as Head of Platform, why she made the move from New York to Ireland and more about the Dublin startup scene. Bio and key links, below.

Kim is currently the Head of Platform at Frontline Ventures. She graduated from New York University’s Stern School of Business, where she majored in Marketing and Computer Science.

She has been working at early-stage startups in New York and Boston since she was 16, at companies like Blue Apron, Onswipe, and HowAboutWe. She led Tech@NYU, NYC’s largest developer and designer organization. Kim was also founding partner of Dorm Room Fund, a $.5M student-run venture fund investing in student startups throughout NYC.

When she’s not supporting the Frontline portfolio, you can find Kim cooking without recipes or attempting to befriend strangers' dogs. She enthusiastically claims she is “made of the Internet.”

Key Links:

EU Internal Ecosystem Builders:
Frontline Ventures:

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