GeekGirl was incredibly excited to interview Cindy Gallop at FutureFest in London. If you want to feel like you can do anything and take on the world, this podcast delivers a real hit of useful and real advice.

Our talk focuses on Cindy's career post-BBH, with the creation of MakeLoveNotPorn and her own struggles and learnings as a sextech founder. Cindy is real, authentic and holds no punches - with a great mix of class and humour. Some amazing lessons in here. You can follow Cindy @cindygallop and @makelovenotporn on Twitter.

Cindy Gallop has turned an illustrious advertising career into a lifelong pursuit of changing the world, her way – one daring project after another.

After all her success in the agency world, Cindy resigned as Chairman of BBH New York in 2005 in order to do something different. Today she continues to work in branding, marketing and business innovation as a consultant while also operating at the cutting edge of digital and the internet as a tech entrepreneur. She launched MakeLoveNotPorn at TED 2009 with this talk as an attempt to counterpoint the way in which hardcore porn has become default sex education, by encouraging an open healthy dialogue around how real people have sex, and will take this forwards in 2012 as MakeLoveNotPorn TV. In 2011 she published ‘Make Love Not Porn: Technology’s Hardcore Impact on Human Behavior’ as a short TED e-book available on Amazon and iTunes.
As a highly action-oriented person, Cindy observed that the single biggest pool of untapped natural resource in this world, is good intentions – both human and corporate – that never translate into action. She launched IfWeRanTheWorld at TED 2010 as the marketing and business platform of the future, to turn human and corporate good intentions into collective action, one microaction at a time, to deliver– you are what you do – and build your Action Graph. Harvard Business School considers IfWeRanTheWorld such a ‘unique and innovative business model’ they wrote it up and taught it as a case study in March 2011 when it was only a year old in beta.

Cindy has a significant reputation as a highly compelling and inspirational speaker at events and conferences all around the world. Cindy’s 30 years of experience in brandbuilding, marketing and entrepreneurialism, combined with a razor-sharp analytical mind, wide-ranging business experience, future-forward approach to technology, a compellingly charismatic presence and a uniquely inspirational approach, equip her perfectly to address the theme of leadership and inventing the future across a range of business sectors.