Ever wondered how you switch from one career into being a developer? Hear first hand as GeekGirl meets Anna Leach, ex-journalist turned web developer for financial technology company, Zopa. Following a career as a tech journalist, Anna started using Code Academy to pursue a new path - lots of great tips for budding technologists and those looking to code.

In Anna's own words:

I work on front-end and Ruby code for this peer-to-peer lending platform as a junior developer: taking data from APIs right up to the user interface.

My Ruby expertise includes integrating internal and external APIs, writing a private gem, & working with Rails and Sinatra. I keep the code tested with Rspec and Cucumber.

On the front-end, I make mobile-optimized web pages with the latest CSS and semantic HTML, using Javascript to create user interactions and work with UX to make prototypes and implement multipage AB tests.